Dr. Pimple Popper's Latest Pimple-Popping Cyst Video Really, Uh, POPS

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Saturday, September 28, 2024

The real-life dermatologist just posted an Instagram of a large bump on what appears to be a woman's hip (though, tbh, I'm not really sure) with the caption "MONDAY."

In the video, you see Dr. Pimple Popper cut a small incision into the bump, then squeeze out brown liquid. The liquid basically shoots out and squirts right onto Dr. Pimple Popper's scrubs. For anyone whose guilty pleasure is watching "the pop" (ahem, not me), this one is definitely a satisfying release with real oomph.

The video has gotten a lot of mixed responses, from the typical vomit emoji to legit excitement. Multiple Dr. Pimple Popper followers saw "a face" in the cyst, with comments like "Looks like a face throwing up," and "Is it just me or does it look like a round face, lips are there where the numbing stuff is and the eyes are dots above it..." Another one saw, of all things, "an asparagus head." Others wrote, "That was a good one. Love it" and "The POP tho."


Shortly after posting the exploding-cyst video, Dr. Pimple Popper added another, this time of a "pilar cyst that came back in pieces." You can watch a clip of her slicing open a scalp (the full video is posted on YouTube ). She posted the video with a simple "#gravytrain." (Gross.)

Regardless of whether you love watching these videos or can't stand them, it's safe to say that having someone else's cyst ooze all over you definitely qualifies as an all-caps MONDAY. Sorry, Dr. Pimple Popper, I hope your week gets, uh, under control.
